
Naro Yoga Courses

The videos are available for viewing below::
Introduction – 4 “mindfulness” – and 8 yoga.

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Introduction to Naro Yoga

This is the preparation video before we start doing this Naro Yoga.

1. Mindfulness of the Body

This is the first part as the base to do the next part.

2. Mindfulness of the Feelings

Here we concentrate to 3 of our feelings.

3. Mindfulness of the Mind

We stay concentrate to the mind in our body.

4. Mindfulness The Root of Life

We do analize meditation about who we are.

5. Nine Round Breathing Yoga

9 round yoga that involves breathing and visualization.

6. Body Like A Baloon

Visualizing our body like a baloon.

7. Vase Breathing Yoga

Move the energy to the center where energy is restored.

8. Circulling Like A Wheel

Moving your waist around.

9. Hooking Like A Hook

A flow of energy in the upper body.

10. Vajra Hand, Moving Up and Down

Yoga in a kneeling position with a "simple" movement.

11. Vomiting Like a dog

Yoga that move forward and backwards.

12. Shaking Body, Flexing Joints

Yoga that move all body to make our body relax.

We can't get any positive benefits for our bodies and mind unless we do something about it.